A 9-week online programme to support you to move beyond daily chaos and overwhelm and (finally) bring about the peaceful vision of family life you long for.
In this program you will have a chance to:
Pause, take a deep breath, notice what is happening within yourself and inside your family.
Interrupt the downward cycle of conflict and chaos that has been dragging you down.
Learn skills and principles that can transform your relationship with your children from within.
If you are ready to prioritise these steps of building connection, it is absolutely possible to interrupt the downward cycle of chaos. By redirecting our precious time and energy into supporting new, life-giving patterns we can rebuild connection and restore peace in our families (We also offer a Self-study online course).
Online Content
Each week you will be guided through a series of pre-recorded lessons relating to our topic for the week (around 90 minutes per week). You can watch these in your own time and from the comfort of your home (…think while lying waiting for children to sleep, while waiting for the pasta to boil, or even while in the bath! 🙂
Weekly Email
Each week, you will receive an email from us outlining the main focus for your week, your practice focus, and pointing you to all of the resources you need to support your journey. This gives you a central place to check in each week to see what is going on and where we are up to.
Downloadable Exercises and Summaries
To support real and lasting change in your life, our video lessons include a range of exercises to support you to integrate material into your daily life, including worksheets, journalling processes and meditations. We will also send you written exercises you can do between sessions (e.g. daily journalling exercises).
Home groups
For your time in the program, you will be placed in a home group with 3-6 others. Each week you will have a chance to meet together on zoom, share any celebrations or challenges, ask questions, receive empathy, and practice skills together. These will be your core go-to people to support you for the duration of the course, and perhaps beyond.
Live Mentoring Sessions
In this program, you are not left to struggle alone with your challenges.
Each week, we will all come together for our online community live group coaching. This is a chance for you to practice the skills covered in the lessons, ask your questions, watch live demonstrations, listen to other people’s questions and receive direct support, mentoring and coaching from Sally and or Jorinde.
Access to a Community chat Group
You will have access to a private, monitored Watts app group. This is a supportive, non-judgemental space where you can share any experiences, celebrations or challenges that come up during our time together and ask any questions you have.
To enrol, please visit: www.peacetalks.nz/from-chaos-to-connection-course
If you have any questions, please contact us at peacetalksnz@gmail.com
Warmly, Jorinde and Sally