Rongoitekai Ngata, PhD
Ko Nukutaimemeha te waka, ko Hikurangi te maunga, ko Waiapu te awa, ko Ngāti Porou te iwi, ko Te Whānau a Karuwai te hapū, ko Te Rehu a Karuwai me Te Hiku a Mahiti ngā whare tīpuna. He uri tēnei nō Māui Tikitiki a Taranga e mihi atu nei ki a koutou. He mihi maioha ki tōku tino hoa a Dr. Marshall Rosenberg nāna i tito mai tēnei mahi hei tautoko i a tātou e whai nei i te hohou rongo. E koro, moe mai rā i roto i te whatumanawa o te Atua.
Ron first trained in NVC in 2001 with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg in Puerto Rico and California. He is a certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication and has been providing training in Aotearoa since his return from overseas in 2003.
In 2010 Ron took time off from providing NVC workshops to complete a PhD related to Māori spirituality and wellbeing through Massey University, which was conferred in 2016. He has a particular interest in supporting the revitalisation of the Māori language through the development of emotional literacy in Te Reo Māori.
Ron has provided workshops for various groups and organisations across the country, including Waikato youth mentoring programmes, Lifeline counsellors, problem gambling services, domestic violence workers, Group Special Education Services for the Ministry of Education, and business managers and employees.
He has found NVC to be an invaluable aid in helping people heal conflict, whether it be in business, politics, race relations, education, or personal relationships. Ron is available for group and personal training and support.
Ko tō manawa ko tōku manawa
Your heart is my heart, your breath is my breath, your spirit is my spirit
To contact Ron email: Mob: 0223039009