As a child and young adult, I kept trying to understand people’s motivation to act and interact with each other the way they do, and I was myself well trained to be a “good girl” complying to as many external rules as possible. I didn’t even know who I was, or barely, and many times when I was expressing myself or making requests, “no” was a categorical answer and my choice was either to submit or rebel and both were violent and painful.
When I become a mum, I knew that I wanted my children to grow in a more respectful and compassionate environment but I still didn’t know how to make it possible.
I discovered NonViolent Communication in 2015 through a video of a famous French trainer and it has been like a revelation: finally, the answers to my questions!
It suddenly all made sense, why people were cutting others off on the road, nailing a painting on the wall of their apartment at 10pm, getting angry etc… To my understanding, we are all attempting to meet our needs and most of us believe that in many cases, it’s either their needs or the other ones’. And conflicts have been so scary for me because I had no other way to manage them than to freeze, flight or fight, and neither of these options were enjoyable.
NVC has brought me understanding of the world and of myself. It gives me so much self-empowerment and hope for the world! I feel much grounded, calm, resourceful and open-hearted, I navigate the mournings and celebrations of life with more compassion for myself and others and have way more clarity on how I want to and can interact with my children! Creating more and more AND situations (your needs and mine rather than ‘or’) to care for everyone and reduce conflicts, brings me joy and hope.
It’s been such a life changing learning that I strive to share NVC to support people and contribute to a more peaceful world. I offer individual healing and coaching sessions, parent sessions, group foundation trainings, practice groups…
There are many areas I’m interested to contribute to such as childhood, individual healing and support, mediation, social change at medium to large scale…
Based in Auckland, I also work online and am happy to travel in New-Zealand and overseas.
To find more about my offerings:
To contact me directly: +64(0)22.049.5833