Duncan has a wide background in teaching, building, art making, writing, mediation and men’s group work. For the past 11 years he has been facilitating a group for men who want to become better fathers. Duncan is also involved with Rites of Passage for young men.
With his partner Alice they have trained in Compassionate Communication NVC and mediation with Auckland based trainers Wayne Prince and Deb Hipperson.
Duncan likes to help others connect with themselves, others and the world as an artist, builder, poet, teacher and ‘community transformation technician’-someone who supports deep change in society at many levels. Duncan brings intuition, insight, wisdom and humour to his practice as a mediator. He and his partner Alice have three children and live on a small farm in Foxton. They practice mindful living at a slow pace of life as best they can.
“I have been a ‘practitioner’ (still practicing!) of this style of language for many years. I can wholeheartedly attest to its effectiveness and power in many situations I find myself in, from the ups and downs of my relationship and family life to facilitating men’s groups, mediation and teaching. Even more than that, communicating compassionately is about connecting more deeply to what is real and alive in each person, including myself. If you value the relationships you have, whether at home, at work or with friends, and want to communicate better, then this is a great tool”.
Ko Anna raua ko Gerald Kleinsman oku matua
Ko Alice Kleinsman toku ingoa
Ko Duncan Hill toku hoa rangatira
Ahakoa no Nederlands oku tupuna
I whanau mai ahau I Aotearoa
I tupu ake ahau i raro i te maunga titohea o Taranaki
I te taha hoki o te awa Waitara
No reira, taku mihi aroha ki te mana whenua Te Atiawa
Kia ora mai tātou katoa.
NVC has been one of the most pivotal things I have learnt in my life, supporting me in improving my communication and bringing integrity and authenticity into the fore of my life. Practising NVC (and yes, it is an ongoing process) is helping me to be more like the mother/partner/sibling/friend that I want to be. Through NVC I have been able to bring more of myself to my primary relationships and experience more richness in my life. I am very grateful for the mentoring I have received from other trainers, especially Wayne Prince and Deb Hipperson, and to Marshall Rosenberg and Robert Gonzales amongst others, for their contribution in bringing this work to the world.
So a little about Alice’s background – “I completed a BSc in biochemistry, maths, and psychology; and then trained as a teacher. I taught in many different places in the world, and really value the different perspective each culture I have been a part of contributes to a world of colour and richness.”
Since then, Alice has become a qualified and registered counsellor, and has trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Nonviolent Communication, as well as in adult education and life coaching. She has become well known for her healing work with families and is enjoying how the training she has undergone in mediation is adding an extra dimension of healing to her work with families. Alice developed Heart Centered Mothering, which incorporates the principles of NVC, A Course in Miracles, and NLP.
“NVC, along with A Course in Miracles, has become the integral basis of my spirituality and what I offer in the world.
“I am energetic and enthusiastic about supporting everybody in having the opportunity to live to their greatest potential, in ways that take into consideration each person’s individual gifts. The skills I have built up over the years combine to give me a compassionate approach to helping others, with a focus on personal growth and transformation, self-awareness, and action. I am not a teacher of NVC as such, but a practitioner, practising myself as I walk alongside others supporting them in their journey”.
Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa